we are leaders in counselling and psychotherapy
墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗师自2010年正式提供心理服务以来,致力于为广大有亚洲文化背景的移民及学生群体提供优质、专业、高效以及全面的心理服务,并且在多年的职业过程中,为很多家庭,留学生及工作者,解决了工作学习和生活中涉及的各项问题,提供了专业全面优质高效的心理服务。我们的心理咨询及心理治疗师均是澳大利亚注册心理咨询师及心理治疗师,持有心理咨询及心理治疗执业保险,遵守澳大利亚心理学协会(APS)及心理咨询协会(ACA)的职业标准,接受绝大部分的四人保险, 例如 WorkSafe Victoria, Medibank Private及其旗下AHM, Bupa Private, HCF, Australia Unity, Doctor's Health Fund, 和Australian Regional Health Group旗下的Police Health Fund, Emergency Services Health, Phoenix Health, Teacher Uinon Health等 私人保险, 以及国家残障保险计划(NDIS,正在全国范围内逐步实施)。 我们的心理咨询及心理治疗服务涵盖抑郁症,两极情感障碍(燥郁症),焦虑症,破坏性冲动品行障碍,成瘾症(网络成瘾和赌博成瘾),情绪管理,时间管理,睡眠障碍,人格障碍,自信训练等等,并且提供对于情感关系和家庭暴力的心理干预。我们不仅可以使用普通话,广东话及韩国语提供心理咨询及心理治疗服务而且我们了解亚洲和西方文化在人际交往,情感关系,家庭教育等方面的差异。尤其是我们在一些心理咨询和心理治疗的理论和技术进行探索和科研工作,并掌握更为优质高效的心理咨询及心理治疗的知识技术及理论储备。您也可以通过搜索微信公众号:墨尔本博爱心理 来联系我们。
Welcome to Melbourne Agape Psychocare
Melbourne Agape Psychocare endeavors to provide quality counselling and psychotherapy services for people from Asian Background. Our counsellors are all full registered within Australia Register of Counsellor and Psychotherapist (ARCAP) and obtain memberships of Australia Counselling Association (ACA). The services we provided include Depression, Anxiety, disruptive impulse control and conduct disorder, Parenting, Relationship Issues, Internet Addictions, Emotional Problems, Assertiveness Training and so on. Our Counsellors and Psychotherapists not only can speak Chinese (Mandarin or Cantonese or Taiwanese) and Korean in the service delivery, but also understand the differences from your cultures. Medibank Private, AHM, Bupa Private, HCF, Australian Unity and Doctor's Health Fund rebate, police health fund is applicable for related insurance holders. In addition, National Disabiilty Insurance Scheme is applicable via Human Services (NDIS) Please refer to our English website for more details.
中国驻澳大利亚大使馆 澳大利亚移民局 维省公共交通查询 澳洲华人专业人士俱乐部 澳大利亚留学生冤情大使 Medibank Private Australian Unity E-Health Doctor's Health Fund Bupa NDIS HCF AHM WorkSafe Victoria
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