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The government’s $200 marriage counseling voucher scheme for newlyweds is going ahead from July 1.
And we’re told same-sex couple can also apply – even though they are not eligible to actually marry. The voucher will be able to be used for relationship education and counselling, including parenting education, conflict resolution and financial management education. The scheme was first mentioned back in August 2013, as a pre-election promise to the right-wing Australian Christian Lobby fringe group. It’s designed to help keep families together, but sparked concern among marriage equality advocates who feared the Liberal Party were not only voting against same-sex marriages, but also planning to reward opposite-sex marriages with special and costly attention. However, when the $200 marriage voucher scheme starts in July, we’re now told same-sex couples will also be able to apply. “Marriage equality would do far more to benefit same-sex couples than a $200 voucher.” Social Services Minister Kevin Andrewssays the scheme, which is estimated to cost $230 million in its first trial year, will create more relationship stability, and therefore a better environment for children. Marriage equality advocates have welcomed the Federal Government’s inclusion of same-sex couples in the plan, but say if those in power are serious about keeping same-sex couples together, they should allow them to marry. “The solid legal foundation, social recognition and removal of stigma that all come with marriage equality would do far more to benefit same-sex couples than a $200 voucher,” says Australian Marriage Equality national director Rodney Croome. “We call on the Abbott Government to allow a conscience vote on marriage equality in line with the Coalition’s objective of strengthening relationships and families.” Croome is also concerned that anti-discrimination exemptions for faith-based counselling services should be reviewed in light of the Government’s non-discriminatory voucher proposal. “Many relationship counselling services are faith-based and have anti-discrimination exemptions which allow them to legally turn away same-sex couples.” “If the Government can give out counselling vouchers without discriminating, it should change the law to ensure the delivery of faith-based counselling services is based on the same principle.” 墨尔本心理咨询及治疗 Suite 607, 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 www.psychocare.org Phone:03 9028 8595 Fax :03 8820 5963
Wednesday, 15 January 2014
A Department of Immigration and Border Protection social media campaign begins this week to educate overseas students studying in Australia about visa conditions and the possible impacts of changing course. Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator the Hon Michaelia Cash is concerned that a perception exists within the international student community that it is acceptable student behaviour to change or downgrade courses from a streamlined visa processing [SVP] eligible to a non-SVP eligible provider soon after their arrival in Australia. 'Students who engage in this type of behaviour are likely to be in breach of their visa conditions and may, as a result, be subject to visa cancellation,' Minister Cash said. 'Although only a small percentage of students have breached their visa conditions, the government wants to send a strong message to both students and education providers.' Minister Cash said the department was making constructive use of its social media platforms and website to raise awareness among the international student community about the possible impact of their decision to change courses after arriving in Australia. 'This education campaign will include regular updates on the migration blog, FAQs and will present a range of relevant scenarios so students can evaluate the correct action to take for their circumstances,' Minister Cash said. 'In addition to the education campaign, the department is also directly engaging with students who have arrived under SVP and then changed to a non-SVP eligible course. 'These students can expect an advice letter and will be given an opportunity to explain their circumstances,' Minister Cash said. Participating education providers are also required to put in place strategies to minimise incentives for students to arrive under the SVP arrangements with the aim of quickly transferring out of or downgrading their course. Streamlined visa processing arrangements for eligible students have been operating since 24 March 2012. link for above information : http://www.minister.immi.gov.au/media/mc/2014/mc210831.htm 墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 Fax :0388205963 2014年1月15日,澳大利亚移民局副部长,Hon Michaelia Cash 议员发布关于针对不符合签证条款的生转学留学生的媒体教育运动。
移民局已经意识到在国际学生群体中,有部分国际学生通过SVP签证简化政策申请来澳,抵澳后转学或就读低等级的课程在默写非SVP教育课程。 对于这部分学生,移民局认为做出上述行为的国际学生很可能违反了国际学生签证条款,很可能会导致学生签证的取消。 尽管这部分的国际学生比率很低,但是移民局希望通过广泛的社会媒体及网络平台,发出强烈的信息给予国际学生和教育机构,提高相关群体关于此类生转学导致的学生签证取消的集体意识。 这项媒体教育运动会包括在移民局blog进行常规更新,在FAQs上展示各种个案的评估和处理,国际学生可以通过这样的平台来正确评估自身状况,并且采取正确的应对方法。 移民局也会介入某些此类国际学生的案例,这些学生会可以向移民局寻求意见,并会获得移民局的解释机会来阐述作出上述行为的理由。 相关的教育机构也被要求采取切实策略来减低学生转至非SVP课程。 望相关的留学生引起注意,及时联系移民局垂询具体相关事宜。 关于此信息的移民局链接如下:http://www.minister.immi.gov.au/media/mc/2014/mc210831.htm 墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 Fax :0388205963 澳洲第一份有关私立学校教育经历与收入关系的研究发现,上过私立学校的孩子,一生可以多赚12%,这可能是因为孩子可以在私立学校中掌握学习以外的技巧,而这些技巧使他们成为薪酬较高的管理层职位的理想人选。
墨尔本大学(University of Melbourne)的经济学家们比较了公立学校和天主教学校毕业生的长期薪资状况。他们发现,起初毕业生们的薪酬增长幅度相同,但工作了20年以后,天主教学校出来的人周薪要高出3元,相当于每周多挣120元,每年多赚6200多元——私立学校毕业生的情况也相似。 墨尔本大学应用经济学和社会研究所(Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research)的Nikhil Jha和Cain Polidano共同撰写的研究报告写道:“这些发现表明,私立学校可能不仅仅能够提高学生的学业成绩,而且还能帮助他们为以后的工作生活做好更充分的准备。” 全国天主教教育委员会执行长福克斯(Ross Fox)说,这一发现很有趣,似乎证实了天主教学校的学生不只是成绩好而已。 尽管研究人员并没有着手揭开造成薪资差异的原因,但他们提出了几种假说,包括基于信仰的教育方式向学生们灌输了较强的职业道德。研究人员认为,促成天主教学校毕业生薪资较高的原因不仅仅是学生们在校期间与其他来自富裕家庭的同学建立了私人关系。如果只是因为这样的话,那么薪资差异应该在进入职场时就出现了。 报告说:“首先,因为天主教学校的教育是基于信仰的,所以可能会更加重视对非认知技能,也就是软技能的培养,而这是解释薪资差异的重要因素。其次,天主教学校的学生家庭背景都比较富裕,与公立学校的毕业生相比,他们可能认识更多有钱人,这可能会使他们的薪资更高。” “其次,上天主教学校可能会培养出一些个人特质,例如强烈的职业道德感,僱主可能很看重这点。” 报告称,私立学校和公立学校毕业生的薪资差距要到就业15年后才会出现,在那些至少拥有学士学位的人中间更加明显,一个可能的解释是,薪资差异的关键在于非认知能力,而这种能力对于一个人能否被提升至管理层至关重要。 研究人员估计,公立学校毕业生在工作15年后,时薪会落后私立学校毕业生2元,工作20年后,时薪落后3元(30元对27元)。“对于一个每周工作40小时的人来说,时薪少3元相当于周薪少了120元,或11%,影响相当大。” 墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 |
April 2024
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