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从12月1日起,Ibrutinib,也称为Imbruvica将被列入药物补贴计划( PBS ),病人每个处方仅需38.80澳元就可获得,如果持有折扣卡,则只需6.30澳元。 所有符合资格的患有复发性或顽固慢性淋巴细胞性白血病(CLL)或小淋巴细胞淋巴瘤(SLL)的病人都可获得这种药物。 A breakthrough leukaemia and lymphoma drug that normally costs $187,000 per treatment will become easily affordable under a new $460 million Turnbull government subsidy. Ibrutinib, known as Imbruvica, will cost patients $38.80 a script – or $6.30 for concessional patients - once it is listed on the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme from December 1. The drug will be available to all eligible patients with relapsed or refractory chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL) or small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL). Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull will announce the listing on Monday, saying the drug – considered significantly more effective than many of the treatments already available through the PBS – will change lives. "This new medicine provides an important new treatment option for Australian patients and now, thanks to my government's commitment to the PBS, is within reach for hundreds of Australian families," Mr Turnbull said. Around 1000 Australians are expected to benefit from the drug every year. link to The AGE 墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗专科 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 Fax :0388205963
April 2024
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