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墨尔本两名男子涉嫌于上个月在South Yarra殴打一名留学生,致受害人下颌和颊骨全被打坏。目前,这两名案犯已经被控数项罪名。
本月初,维州警方发布信息,吁请这起袭击案的目击者提供线索。警方称,他们寻找的案犯为三男两女。 这起案件于7月9日发生于Chapel St。这起案件致这名居住于Box Hill、现年27岁的会计学国际生不得不进行面部外科手术。受害人称,他遭到这群案犯的种族歧视性奚落。 警方迄今已经根据公众的举报,问讯了6名相关人。两名男子已经被控鲁莽行为导致严重伤害罪,故意造成严重伤害罪以及滋事罪。来自Croydon的的27岁男子和来自Blackburn South的23岁男子都已经获得保释,他们将于10月末出庭聆讯。
现状难过语言和专业关找“枪手” 记者在微博上输入关键词“留学生、论文代写”,果然发现大量论文代写微博账号。对此,启德教育澳洲留学专家分析,学生找人代写作业,不仅在澳洲,在国内也有这种现象发生。 一般来讲,语言和专业知识困乏是学生找代写的主要原因。另外,有的学生担心如果课程不通过,需要重修,不仅没面子,还会耗费几千元的重修费用,耽误毕业时间,所以选择了投机取巧的方式。 此外,一些课程对于中国学生来说,实在太难了,学生没有估计好自身的能力,在一个学期内错选了较多难度较大的课程,导致自己没有能力完成这篇论文。 后果轻则警告重则开除 启德教育澳洲留学专家介绍,由于学生找枪手代写,论文的质量难以保证,如果是大量复制粘贴完成的,那澳大利亚的高校都会使用剽窃软件来检查学生的论文,如果学生论文被查出代写,或者造假,则会受到不同程度的处罚。例如,如果是用来完成平时的作业,学生很可能会被老师警告,甚至课程重修。如果是用来完成期末考试或者毕业论文,学生就有可能无法按时拿到学位,甚至被开除。 珠海平和英语英美外籍老师也表示,当地高校对论文要求很高,如果不严格按照要求写作,通常会警告要求重做,甚至可视作学术能力不足,重修或者直接勒令退学。 建议 出国前要了解课程难度 留学专家建议,如果学生没听懂课堂知识,部分国外考生会采取交白卷的方式。不少外国学生宁愿重修,重新学习,也不愿意光拿学位,而没学到真才实学。这种做法,也值得中国学生思考。 珠海英邦留学资深专家张刚表示,学生出国前应强化学术英语学习,以方便完成英文论文写作。据了解,澳洲每个高校都有帮助留学生克服语言难关的机构,学生学业压力大的时候,也可以向高校的心理辅导中心求助。 在出国前,学生也可以先了解不同课程的难度,做好应对考试、论文的心理准备。并根据自身能力选择,谨慎择校选专业。 采写:南都记者吴建登 实习生李妙娟 作者:吴建登 李妙娟 31 Jul 2012
SkillSelect Invitation Announcement On August 1st, the first invitation round for Skilled Independent (Subclass 189) and the family sponsored Skilled Nominated or Sponsored (Provisional) (subclass 489) visas will be held. As SkillSelect is a new and complex system, our first run of invitations will be reduced in size, to allow us to ensure that all elements of the system are working smoothly. As such, we will issue the following number of invitations: • 90 in the Skilled Independent subclass 189; and • 10 in the Skilled Nominated or Sponsored (Provisional) (family sponsored) subclass 489. The invitations will go to the highest scoring Expression of Interests (EOIs) in these subclasses, with ties in points decided by the date that the EOI reached their current points score. Clients that have been invited will receive a notification to their email address, as well as their SkillSelect inbox. However, while this first round of invitations will be comparatively small, we expect to be increasing the numbers of invitations issued, with a significantly larger round in September, and potentially a second round in August. Following the invitation round, we will publish the invitation results on the reports tab of the SkillSelect website: www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect/ To date the enthusiastic uptake of SkillSelect by people all around the world interested in Skilled Migration to Australia has been pleasing. Need more information on the SkillSelect process For more information on how SkillSelect operates, please refer to our website which details the process: http://www.immi.gov.au/skills/skillselect Contacting the department If you need to contact the department, you should view our contact methods located on the department’s website at:http://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/telephone.htm Thank you. On 2nd of July, the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) welcomed a Federal Magistrates Court decision against a Victorian 457 visa sponsor who underpaid a worker by $10 000.
The court issued a pecuniary penalty of $35 000 plus costs of almost $11 000 and put significant weight on the need to deter other employer sponsors from breaching their obligations. A departmental spokesman said today that, for the first time, an action had been brought before the courts under the Migration Legislation Amendment (Worker Protection) Act 2008. He said the court found 457 sponsor Sahan Enterprises Pty Ltd had failed two of the obligations: the obligation to pay equivalent terms and conditions, and the obligation to keep appropriate pay records. “DIAC will not tolerate abuse of the skilled migration program and this finding should send a strong signal to sponsors that they must fulfil their sponsorship obligations,” the spokesman said. “This is a timely reminder that Australian workplace laws apply universally to all. Sponsors found to be doing the wrong thing by the department’s inspectors may be subject to administrative sanctions, an infringement or civil litigation, as in the case of Sahan Enterprises.” During the monitoring process, inspectors uncovered failures of the sponsorship obligations. The sponsor was initially served with an infringement notice and asked to repay the visa holder. The sponsor did not comply with the requests and the matter was referred to the courts for a civil penalty. The spokesman said the court finding represents a significant win and underscores the strength and importance of the reforms embodied in the Migration Legislation Amendment (Worker Protection) Act 2008 (the Worker Protection Act) sponsorship obligations. “While other cases have been filed, those matters have been settled via alternative means to the satisfaction of the department and any sponsored people involved,” he said. “While the vast majority of sponsors are compliant, DIAC remains committed to strengthening the integrity of Australia’s skilled visa programs by identifying and penalising employers who do the wrong thing. “The department welcomes this finding, which is the result of its thorough approach to monitoring investigations and the high calibre of the sponsor monitoring inspectorate.” Media Enquiries: National Communications 02 6264 2244 新州中北部海滩一个水果和蔬菜店被指压低一名韩国留学生的薪水。在短短的6个月内,这名韩国学生被少付工资大约1.4万元。
公平工作调查专员将这家位于Bellingen的小店告上了联邦治安法庭,称这家店故意压低一名韩国女留学生的工资,最低达到每小时仅有6元钱。 这名女学生英语水平不高,她在Waterfall Way打工的这6个月,一共被剥削工资1.4万元。这家店一共有5个临时工人,她就是其中的一个。从2006年12月至2010年8月,他们一共被少付薪水8.2万元。 其中一个工人在四年中被克扣工资6.1万元。这家公司是由EA Fuller and Sons Pty Ltd经营的。调查专员称,在水果蔬菜店工作的员工被支付一样的小时工资,这就导致他们的临时工保障、年假、周末工作补贴和加班费全部被克扣。 这家店主Eric Fuller面临每项违法行为6600元的罚款,他的公司则面临每个打工受害人3.3万元的罚款。 台湾外交部週一发布新闻稿表示,廿五岁以上有驾照的台湾人,未来在澳洲可直接于实施“承认有经验驾驶人”新制的州政府监理机关,申换当地驾照,不需再参加笔试及路考;实施日期由各州政府自订。
外交部指出,政府自2005年起推动争取澳洲各州(领地)承认中华民国驾照,日前已获澳洲路政委员审查认定符合资格,包括南澳、澳洲首都领地、维州、塔斯马尼亚及北领地都陆续实施“承认有经验驾驶人”新制。 未来廿五岁以上持有效驾照的中华民国国民,不需再参加当地笔试及路试,可直接在已实施新制的州(领地)政府监理机关申换当地驾照。 但廿五岁以下,想申请换发当地驾照的台湾人,仍须依规定参加测试。 经营位于布里斯班George街味千拉面店(Ajisen Raman)的GoYo贸易公司,上周五被联邦裁判署判罚款49,500元,该店前经理Yokiro Nakauchi承认向两名散工侍应少支薪金。
两名事主来自南韩,当时受僱时分别为20和23岁,他们以工作度假签证来澳洲。他们工作时的时薪为9至12元之间,但他们的权益是,周中的工作日时薪应为18元起,而周末和公假的时薪为20元。 被告Nakauchi报住Tallebudgera区,他承认在2010年10月至2011年2月间,向上述两人少付薪金共7779元。 除该笔欠款外,他被罚款9900元。 署理公平工作申诉专员斯寇利(Mark Scully)称,法庭的判决向僱主发出强烈的讯息。 他说外劳的权益与任何本地僱员一样,加以违反是不能容忍的。申诉专员的职责旨在保障外劳的权益,他们若不瞭解应有的权益,便会易受剥削。外劳年轻,并有语言及文化差异,会有困难。 僱主或僱员若要求协助,应打公平工作热线131394或登入www.fairwork.gov.au查询 |
April 2024
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