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Peter Doulis是Werribee中学的前教师。高等法院考量了他未来的挣钱能力,作出这个赔偿决定。 本月初法庭已经判决赔偿给他将近77万元。 Doulis因为在1998年到2004年之间在Werribee中学教该校最具挑战性的学生而导致精神崩溃。他就此事把维州政府告上法庭。 他描述说“野孩子”怎么样当着全班的面“往墙上爬”,有一次一个学生用一个简易火焰配射器烧焦另一个学生的毛衣。 法庭判决该校以及维州政府没有把Doulis从任教的慢班以及基础班的岗位上撤下来,没有尽到义务。 政府还将替Doulis支付约38万元的法律费用账单。 墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗专科 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 Fax :0388205963
来自NSW的年轻妈妈Nicola Scaife赢得了在波兰进行的女子世界热气球大赛冠军。
这位现在29岁的前澳洲青少年独木舟队员说,她在十年前“爱上了热气球”,开始只是为了工作,后来转为参与竞赛。 “当时我从大学辍学,迫切的需要一份工作,恰好我搭了一回热气球,就爱上了它。” “幸运的是,我询问那天早上驾驶热气球的飞行员说有没有工作机会时,他说有。” Scaife很快遇到了她的丈夫,现任澳洲热气球冠军。 这是她第四次参加热气球比赛,Scaife在各种挑战环节上战胜了对手们,包括定点飞行,以及向地面目标精确投掷物体。 更难得的是,Scaife曾经与贪食症斗争了八年。 在她因为受伤而放弃成为长途独木舟世界级选手后,患上了这一疾病。 她说:“进食失常令人非常虚弱,我很多次觉得自己没有未来了。” “当我觉得已经康复的时候,我感到其实不可能完全康复,然后又是六年时间,才到了我现在所处的位置,感到非常舒服和愉快,而那些日子已经在我后边了。” “所以能处在现在的位置,超越了我所有的期待。” Scaife和她丈夫目前在Hunter Valley进行热气球旅游生意,并有一个14个月大的儿子。 他俩将在2016年日本大赛上互相比拼。 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 Fax :0388205963 Mobile phone retailers are attempting to woo diehard Apple fans away from Apple's own stores with live music and free coffee ahead of the iPhone 6 release on Friday morning.
Telstra, Vodafone, Optus and Virgin Mobile are allocating extra stock to their central city stores and advising customers to line up early to avoid disappointment. They will have stock of the 4.7-inch iPhone 6 and the 5.5-inch iPhone 6 Plus "phablet", but not the Apple Watch, which won't be available until 2015. Apple has enforced a strict embargo that prevents retailers from displaying the new product or even any boxes bearing the product, much less opening or selling it, until 8 am AEST Telstra's director of devices, Andrew Volard, said Telstra was "without doubt" anticipating its "biggest iPhone launch on record", claiming "tens of thousands" of customers have registered online for more information about the event. Mr Volard said it would be one of the biggest sales days of the year for Australia's largest carrier, and he anticipated its stores would remain busy throughout the weekend. Those queueing at Telstra flagship stores - George Street, Sydney; Bourke Street, Melbourne; Queen Street, Brisbane; and Rundle Mall, Adelaide - are promised prizes, coffee, a DJ and comfy beanbags, and a few seconds of fame on LED screens "connecting" them with fans at other major stores. Live performances from Australia's Got Talent winners Justice Crew, and the X Factor's Dami Im and Jai Waetford, will take place from 7.40am at the Sydney, Melbourne and Brisbane stores. Justice Crew band members will hand over the first sold iPhones in Sydney. Fremantle player Aaron Sandilands will be at Telstra's store at Hay Street, Perth from 7.20am (Perth time). Vodafone, meanwhile, will be serving free coffee at its top five capital city stores, all located near the Telstra stores. These will open from 7am AEST to reduce congestion on footpaths and in malls, the company said, while other stores will open at 8am. Virgin Mobile will open all stores at 8am AEST, with its five flagships offering "goodie bags" to customers. All Optus stores, except for two in regional South Australia and Western Australia, will be open from 8am AEST. Pre-orders for the Apple iPhone 6 opened at 5pm last Friday via the company's official website as well as Australian telcos' websites. Apple's website crashed in the wake of the demand. Apple said a record 4 million pre-orderswere logged on the first day worldwide. The supply shortage has spurred hordes of would-be entrepreneurs to spruik their pre-orders on retail site eBay for $1000 more than the official retail price. More than 200 have posted advertisements on online tasks marketplace Airtasker, offering up to $300 for other people to wait in line for them. Telcos launched incentives last week such as exit-fee refunds to encourage customers to switch providers when buying the new handsets. Queues had already begun to appear outside Apple's George Street store last week. The biggest line, at around 100 or so at the time of writing, was outside Apple's Rundle Mall store in Adelaide. 墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗专科 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 Fax :0388205963 在度过了连日的阴雨天气之后,墨尔本终将迎来一段风和日丽,大地回春,万象更新的美好时光。
随着学校假期和皇家墨尔本展的即将到来,墨尔本人民有望享受到阳光普照的一整周时间。 气温也将同时缓缓攀升。预计下周三的最高温度可达25度。 气象局的高级预报员Rod Dickson指出,今年9月份尽管经历了几个相对寒冷的日子,但总体来说较之以往还是显得温暖一些。 Dickson先生说,“9月份的历史平均温度是17.3度;而今年9月迄今为止的平均值已经达到了18度。” 不过,他也认同墨尔本的春季气候变幻莫测,“这里的天气永远不会一成不变”。 “2006年的9月份,曾经出现了气温超过30度的日子。而今年已经有很多天的最高气温超过了20度。” “同时,本周三的一股冷空气又将气温拉低到了15度。它总是那么变化无常。” Dickson先生表示,墨尔本的气温将会缓缓上升。而随着日照时间的慢慢变长和日照强度的慢慢增大,大地回春指日可待! 不过,他指出,从海面上吹来的偏南风依旧寒冷,并会时不时地为这座城市带来些许寒意。 未来七天的气温预测:周四15度,周五17度,周六18度,周日19度,下周一22度,下周二24度,下周三25度。 墨尔本博爱心理咨询及治疗专科 Melbourne Agape Psychocare www.psychocare.org suite 607 1 Queens Road, Melbourne 3004 Phone:0390288595 Fax :0388205963 |
April 2024
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